Argentina - Аргентина [2] Australia - Австралия [43]
Austria - Австрия [3] Belarus - Беларусь [13]
Brazil - Бразилия [9] Canada - Канада [39]
Chile - Чили [4] China - Китай [5]
Colombia - Колумбия [6] Croatia - Хорватия [5]
Cuba - Куба [1] Czech - Чехия [11]
Denmark - Дания [9] Finland - Финляндия [48]
France - Франция [55] Germany - Германия [96]
Greece - Греция [9] Honduras - Гондурас [1]
Indonesia - Индонезия [5] Italy - Италия [48]
Kuwait - Кувейт [1] Macedonia - Македония [7]
Mexico - Мексика [11] Moldova - Молдова [2]
Netherlands - Нидерланды [8] Norway - Норвегия [24]
Poland - Польша [10] Portugal - Португалия [6]
Russia - Россия [124] Singapore - Сингапур [3]
Slovenia - Словения [6] Spain - Испания [24]
Sweden - Швеция [54] Switzerland - Швейцария [16]
Hungary - Венгрия [8] Turkiye - Турция [6]
Ukraine - Украина [25] UK - Соедененое Королевство [76]
USA - Америка [459] Japan - Япония [83]
Venezuela - Венесуэла [0] New Zealand - Новая Зеландия [4]
Uruguay - Уругвай [1] Serbia - Сербия [4]
Estonia - Эстония [1] Romania - Румыния [3]
Israel - Израиль [1] Paraguay - Парагвай [1]
Philippines - Филиппины [0] Ecuador - Эквадор [1]
Costa Rica - Коста Рика [1]

Nightshade – Lost In Motion (2011)

Melodic Death Metal / Deathcore / Electronic

Nightshade – Lost In Motion (2011)


01. Unleash The Rage [00:32]
02. Rebellion [05:07]
03. Winner (Or Not) [02:37]
04. Lose Your Friends [02:46]
05. The Depths Of Memory [04:50]
06. A Dream. A Choice. A War. [02:56]
07. Final Crop [02:41]
08. If You Don't Have A Pawn In Your Game, You're Guaranteed To Fail [04:22]
09. You Can't See Through My Eyes [04:28]
10. Foxhound [06:34]

Dagoba — Post Mortem Nihil Est (2013)

Groove Metal / Industrial Metal

Dagoba — Post Mortem Nihil Est (2013)


01. When Winter... [05:34]
02. The Realm Black [06:19]
03. I, Reptile [05:05]
04. Yes We Die [04:41]
05. Kiss Me Kraken [04:24]
06. Nevada [01:42]
07. The Great Wonder [04:46]
08. The Day After the Apocalypse [05:22]
09. Son of a Ghost [05:02]
10. Oblivion Is For the Living [04:29]
11. By the Sword [03:39]

Ladyscraper — The Wizard (2013)

Breakcore / Cybergrind / Digital Hardcore

Ladyscraper — The Wizard (2013)


01. Integrity [04:11]
02. Wolves [03:14]
03. Black Coffee [04:18]
04. Pet Brick [04:54]
05. Lock in with a Killer [03:51]
06. Ted [05:14]
07. Avin it Ardcore [03:30]
08. Pie Fucker [03:53]
09. The Resurrector [03:09]
10. Electric Blizzard [04:54]
11. Turrican [04:27]

Mulk - Putrilogie (2009)

Experimental / Cybergrind

Mulk - Putrilogie (2009)


01. BBW [00:16]
02. Tomy [01:22]
03. Sulfat Primat [01:16]
04. Afid Fulfurik [01:13]
05. Ork [00:41]
06. Underteen [01:21]
07. AF [01:23]
08. Dechet Toxic [00:18]
09. Apoplexie [01:10]
10. Puree De Vache [01:11]
11. Monskr [01:37]
12. Viandal [00:37]
13. Gravity [01:08]
14. Bruit [00:13]
15. Patee De Chat [02:24]
16. Corain Cochon [02:12]
17. R-3 Phaz [02:23]
18. Trou De Viande [02:43]
19. Porc Fight [03:13]
20. WBB [00:38]

Pryapisme — Hyperblast Super Collider (2013)

Avant-Garde Metal / Electronic

Pryapisme — Hyperblast Super Collider (2013)


01. Un druide est giboyeux lorsqu'il se prend pour un neutrino [06:18]
02. Boudin blanc et blanc boudin [04:17]
03. Random Jean Vigo [04:47]
04. La notion de chiralite de spin et d'oscillation... [08:31]
05. Lesbian bordello [01:47]
06. J'ai envie de te claquer [07:03]
07. Cochenille, membrane et volcanologie [04:26]
08. Jon-bon-jon-boutros-boutros-boutros-bovi-miou-miou [02:23]
09. Je suis venu, j'ai vu, j'ai sangouinu [05:57]
10. Une nuit sur le Mont-Chauvelu [08:48]

Cellule X – Autonomes, Indépendants et Fiers de l'être (2013)

Rapcore / Electronic

Cellule X – Autonomes, Indépendants et Fiers de l'être (2013)


01. Anarchy Party [04:01]
02. Biz Must Go On [03:50]
03. Burn Hollywood [03:48]
04. Cellule Hit [03:53]
05. Directive 4 [03:42]
06. Fire On Hiroshima [05:05]
07. L'Avariété [03:25]
08. Le Sang Doit il Couler [03:22]
09. Noir les Horreurs Manifeste [05:43]
10. Sarkoland [02:28]

Haiku Funeral — Nightmare Painting (2012)

Avant-Garde Industrial Black Metal / Dark Ambient

Haiku Funeral — Nightmare Painting (2012)


01. The Nightmare Door 0[01:55]
02. Blacklight Amniotic Erotica [04:13]
03. Scorpion Ritual [03:00]
04. Behemoth Rising [05:23]
05. Raining Nightbirds [06:08]
06. The Flags of a New Empire Burn [04:12]
07. Death Poem [02:24]
08. Heavy Breasted Innocence [04:24]
09. Your Heart a Black Tunnel [05:51]
10. Damnation [05:55]

Pulse – Glitter & Blood (2013)

Modern Metal / Cyber Metal / Electronic

Pulse – Glitter & Blood (2013)


01. Dreads Fly Too [02:25]
02. Grain Of Sand [02:46]
03. Stand Still [03:18]
04. Pretend [03:46]
05. Party Victims [02:44]
06. J (Bonus Track) [00:37]
07. Rockin' Summer [03:31]
08. Glitter blood [03:23]
09. Rockin' summer (Complextro remix) [03:47]

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